Friday, September 05, 2008

Feeling Full - Superhero Feeling the Weight

I just read ABB's (look to your left under my comfort foods) post. I swear she says some ish that will make you think, and make you feel bad. Last night I went completely off on my son, who didn't deserve it, at least not all of it. Once again this year I am at a point where the money is so tight we better get used to sandwiches and I'm deciding which bills will and won't be paid, and how I'm going to afford the rest of their school supplies.

Child support my ass.

I just shelled out over $1000 between my 5 year old's private school and my 8 year old's after school care, and now my son is telling me that his coach said I need to buy other things for him to play in the actual football games.


What the hell was the registration fee for? These people severely anger me. It's as if they themselves are not parents. I don't understand why they wait until the last minute to tell you these things instead of putting it out there upfront.

What's crazy for me is that I can relate all of this back to the politics of today. I've never been so acutely aware of how these things and who is in office affects my personal situation: No Child Left Behind BS, failing school systems and their bureaucracy, public vs private school, funding for after school activities, and parks and recreation centers, child support enforcement laws and the list goes on.