Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Purple People Eater

That's what I call my anger...

I must ask this question again, WHY do people insist on messing with me when I'm already in a pissy mood? My daughters didn't want to let me get my sleep out, (and anyone who knows me knows I VALUE MY SLEEP) waking up and finding me in the middle of the night so they could then proceed to take my cover off of me, ask for juice or milk or "cup", my oldest daughter having nightmares and then waking me up because she doesn't want to go back to sleep, so I just got up and went to take my shower.

Then there's the process of getting three children ready to get out the house in the morning. My daughter, having been up before all the rest, was ready to get dressed when I came out of the bathroom (a first) so I gave her her clothes. She starts yelling about her pants being too tight. She's 5. I turn around and look at her like she's crazy and as calmly as possible tell her to go pick out another pair of jeans. She decides the ones she has already put on are fine.

On to child number two. He hates to get up for school so I call him until he finally answers with the "huh?" as though he doesn't know what I want. He's 10 and big enough to have this process down and yet I have to tell him to get up and wash up and start putting on his lotion. He does, but then in between doing the things he needs to do to be ready he's back in the bed and I'm constantly having to get him up to eat his breakfast or brush his teeth, whatever. Parents, please help me understand WHY it is that even though we go through the same rituals week in and week out that we have to instruct our children step by step each day in the process of getting ready for school??? That is the most aggravating thing to me. I come into work pissed off damn near every morning, not because of traffic but because of my children. Were we like this as children? You know what don't answer that. I do hear my mother's voice a whole lot of the time when I'm dealing with my children, "how can you get dressed in the dark?"; "how are you putting on clothes laying down?"; and my personal favorite, the one I said I would never say to my children, "it doesn't hurt to want". You know, it really doesn't. Yeah, I guess I am getting it back, but I think I'm getting a little extra. My kids, well my son in particular, don't seem to have a whole lot of common sense and it's annoying. Am I expecting too much for their ages?

Anywho, I get them ready and the baby is unusually cooperative this morning, I ignore my phone so we are able to make it to school. I drop them off and the baby decides she doesn't want to let me go. What the hell? Any other day she doesn't even stop long enough to tell me bye. Now, today I have a training to co-host first thing this morning and she doesn't want to let me go. Eventually, the teacher gets her and I'm on my way.

OK, I'm making good time, everything's good, I'm trying to bring my attitude under control before I get to the training and then I receive a text message from baby daddy responding to the message I sent him yesterday after he didn't call me back once he woke up. So I respond to his stupid ass response and he responds by calling. We argue, I hang up. Can't deal with this bullshit. Folks want you to respond to them right away, but they can take all day, all week even to respond to you. I can spend money running back and forth to my lawyer so he can make changes to documents, but your ass can't even come to the table prepared to have a real discussion. Bet you thought you could get away with your late payments or partial payments to the day care and visiting her on your own terms when, where and if you felt like it. Well, guess what, those days are done! I'm so tired of everyone hollering about personal accountability but at the same time only pointing out others fault and not accepting responsibility for their own actions or inactions. You a man? You a daddy? Act like it and stop telling me how to run my house when yours is so out of order. You don’t want to pay that much in child support, but you may need to come have dinner with us ‘cause you broke. You funny. The child support is there to support YOUR child. You are not robbing me, you’re robbing her. Marinate on that for a minute. I may have to come back at another time and break that down for those of you who don’t understand the purpose of child support and somehow have this twisted notion that you are supporting the mother.

Well, I feel a little better, somewhat better. I guess I better shake it off and go get back to work.

Oh, I’ll be better able to “feel better” and shake it of if you stop sending me annoying emails and text messages. Don’t you hate when a muhfukker know they pissed you off and then they send you messages asking you how you doing and wishing you a joyous and peaceful rest of the day? IF you leave me the hell alone so I can calm down that might happen!


ManNMotion said...

Easy now, we're neighbors and you can drop them off over here anytime:)

Eva said...

Thanks for the community love. Don't be surprised if I take you up on your offer! (After an interview, background check, credit check, interview with your family members, co-workers, neighbors. You know I can't leave my babies with just anybody.) LOL