Yesterday, while driving home on 285 from what I hope to be the final trip to any store to locate school supplies, some fool ran into my lane without looking first. In an effort to keep him from hitting me and the side of the car with my son and youngest, I swerved, hit the horn and my breaks all at the same time. At that moment I lost control of my car. We started spinning and all I could see is wall so I turned the wheel and we kept spinning, almost hit the guard rail on the right side of the highway, kept spinning and then stopped in the far right lane facing oncoming traffic. Now, I am really not sure that I even had anything to do with us not hitting either guardrail on the sides of the highway or the cars that just kept on coming. All I remember is hearing my children screaming and telling that it was going to be alright and we were going to be ok. And I do remember reaching out for my son who was sitting in the front passenger seat. It was by grace that we came out of that without being hit, hurt or injuring someone else. Can someone sing, “Angels watching over me…”? In the meantime, the fool that started the chain of events just kept driving. We made it over to the emergency lane and just sat there for a moment while I made sure everyone was ok, calmed my son and my nerves. No one, not even DeKalb Police stopped to see if we were ok. Where is the love for thy neighbor??? After my hands stopped shaking, we made it home safely and life went on as usual. However, my son has now vowed to never play his PS2 racing games and none of them want to get back on the highway.
A little later last night my son asked me if that was the scariest thing to ever happen to me. Without thought I said yes, but after thinking on his question, it really wasn’t THE scariest thing to ever happen to me.
Being told my mother had passed away.
Receiving a frantic call from my mother that my baby was having a seizure, that was pretty scary.
The lead doctor of the Ob/Gyn practice I was attending at the time meet with us in his office to let us know that the baby I was carrying, the baby girl I had dreamed about, would not make it inutero another week. I had to go into the hospital immediately or else.
Hearing the fetal heartbeat of my second baby girl drop when the nurse asked me to lie on my back scared me something awful. All turned out well, but I saw on the video that she had the chord wrapped around her neck.
So no, that wasn't THE scariest, but it was definitely one of. I always thought I had angels watching over me, but now I know that my household is covered.
Be thankful for the small things and always kiss your babies!
Amen to that!
Ditto on the amen!
BTW, a bitch is looking for information on the environmental impact of pumping all that polution in New far, it looks like they aer pumping then analyzing later. To analyze then pump would be too much like right.
Will letcha know what comes of my research...
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