Ok, I have a quickie today as I am on my way out the door. Anyway, this ish is just tickling me to no end.
Yesterday, as soon as I arrive home the celly starts ringing. It's Grandma (BD2's mom). I'm all happy to hear from her and ask if she was reading my mind because I was thinking I needed to give her a call to find out if she needed a ride from the airport when she gets in for Ayan's birthday. She tells me that she is calling to speak to "her baby" and so BD2 can talk to his daughter. WTF Why can't he just man up and call me himself? Better yet, we now live prolly 10 minutes at the most from him, why doesn't he just come see his daughter? Oh, right, he said he was done with us and I granted him that wish instead of begging him to stick around so now I'm the one keeping him from his child. I'm just living life letting you do you honey. You got my number when you are ready to be a man and a daddy instead of hiding behind your mother.
Grandma and I always have nice chats and after he exited the phone, we had another delightful chat, can't wait to see her in two weeks.
This morning I spoke to the ex and first I asked him why he didn't at least call his son to let him know he wasn't going to pick him up last week as promised. Do you know this fool said he forgot. How do you "forget" your child??? That part wasn't funny, just sad. This is the funny part, after chewing him out for that stupid ish, I asked him why his live-in baby momma always runs to the back when I come over. I've been to their place twice but each time she hides out in the back room when I'm there. He said he told her to do that and not to say anything to me that might set me off. LOL I couldn't believe that ish. Ain't no way in hell I would be banished to the bedroom in my own house (unless I was portraying the role of love-slave, but that's another subject). And besides that, I don't have anything against her. The time my kids were with her, she was good to them so there is no beef between us. I know in the past I have been known to terrorize women in his life, but 1) I was usually provoked and 2) I still had feelings for him then. None of those things are true in this case, so really, she has no reason to hide out.
I just can't get over the nonesense...too funny.
1 comment:
Sadly, things still have no changed much, but my children are growing into smart, responsible adults and I couldn't be any more proud of them. My hats off to men like you who are involved and maintain a relationship with their children.
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