Sunday, March 08, 2009

Play by the Rules or Else

I’m sick of playing by someone else’s rules. He dictates who initiates, when we will see each other, where we sill see each other, and I keep going along with it. I thought I had finally found the out I had been wanting and a week later I’m back to asking to see him. It’s like the addict and the drug. You want so badly to be done with it, but then you think about how good you feel for that moment, and forget about how low you feel once the moment has passed.

Mr. California doesn’t have that same draw for me. I can go for months without talking to him and not even miss him. I answer his calls for entertainment. I agree to go on trips with him because I can’t get that request from Him. But I figure if he wants a mistress, then no more getting short changed, been there done that. He wants to tell me about your trips to Jamaica, Brazil, Columbia, Hawaii, LA for the Grammy’s, etc. then please know I’m not letting him off easy. If he asks me to go on a trip with him, then he should be paying for it, particularly since I am heading up a single-income household. In order for me to meet him in the middle of the week, I have to find a sitter, take off from work and fly out to where ever he is. That is no small feat. At any rate, he was upset about it and felt that I was trying to ALWAYS make him pay for everything. Not true, I paid for our very expensive night at a very nice hotel. And so what if I want him to pay for everything? HE told me that if I didn’t like the rules the man was putting out, then I should find a man’s whose rules I could live with. I may need to do that.

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