Wednesday, July 06, 2005

People Really Need to Check Themselves


I'm a planner. I have to know what I'm doing the week before, the month before, etc. Not that I can't be spontaneous, but the important things need to be planned. (Hell, I am now planning a reunion that is to take place in 2007.) I started looking for someone to keep my older two this month back in April. I had two people who said they wanted them for the summer. Cool, we set... or are we?

May rolls around and my primary arrangement tells me that she wants the kids as soon as we come back from the family reunion in late June. Ok, cool. That will give me more time to pack and be ready ahead of time for the move date.

June gets here and it’s the week before the reunion and my primary is telling me to hold off on bringing the kids because she’s made plans to go see her sister. Ok, I’ll just call when we get back and we can arrange something then. In the meantime, I call my backup, one of my sisters, and she is still hemming and hawing about getting them for the summer, but she does let me know that should anything happen to me she wants custody of all three. Oh, ok. Isn’t that so very sweet of her. RIGHT. I guess I better go back and tell the day care they will be here after all. Dammit, they want $200/week just for the two. That’s a big jump from what I was paying during the school year. And WTH is an “Activity Fee” and why does it have to be paid every week?!? I just roll my eyes to heaven and take it all in. It’s all good, we can handle this.

It is now July and I have resigned myself to the idea of having the children with me the entire summer. I will just work on sending them somewhere for the week of the move, because while I like to plan ahead, packing is a whole ‘nother story. Then I get a call at almost midnight last night from the primary. She wants me to drive the kids to AL this week so she can take them to her home town. LOL, hmmm. Well, this has caught me off guard. I haven’t spoken to her in 2 or 3 weeks. I politely let her know that the kids have some things they need to do to get ready for their new school and once we have completed that I will give her a call. You know she gets an “Ooh Darryl”, but I love her to pieces, and I’m too thrilled to have somewhere for them to go!

On another note, I get to the day care yesterday and I’m handed a returned check. It’s not mine, it’s BD2’s. He pays the third day care bill. So I ask the manager if they have called him. Of course not, they want me to relay the message. I’m not about to do that, they need to handle their business like business owners and call him to discuss the matter. She’s my child, but that’s his bill and his bank account. They both get an “Ooh Darryl”, the day care because they act like they are scared to talk to him, but if they want their money they better get over that right quick and fast and him, well, for the obvious.


Eva said...

So true! People think I'm crazy and I'm tired of trying to explain it to those who don't get it.

CC said...

Breathe in, Breathe out.