Monday, June 27, 2005

For All Those That Don't Have A Clue

If you call or IM and ask can we "kick it", "hang out", "hang in", "chill", "go somewhere", "meet up" or otherwise date and though you ask at the last minute, the other party blocks off that time in their calendar, sets up a sitter (for all the single moms), and makes every attempt to be ready at the decided time and you do not show up nor do you call, well first of all that's just rude and you can expect to get your ass handed to you when the other party does decide to talk to you again. Secondly, you get an "Ooh Darryl".

And then if you try to call with a lame ass story or trip because you don't understand why they are so upset, you get another one. PEOPLE, it's about respecting the other person's time. If you running late or changed your mind or just can't make it, pick up a phone...and don't be waiting until 2 hours later. You knew 3 hours ago you weren't coming.

Other Ooh Darryl's from the weekend:

People who live in apartment buildings and leave candles burning while they out doing God-knows-what. DO you know that's a fire hazard??? I ain't trying to lose all of my possessions and home because your ass is stupid. Save that shit for when you buy your house.

Grown ass men that have jobs and get a paycheck regularly but still can't manage to pay they bills! What is that??? No, it's not always about somebody messing up your check, or your boy didn't give you the money he owed you. You knew that bill was due. You don't have any money in your checking account? What about the savings? Damn, budget nigga, budget!

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